Clarity Diagnostics CLA-120C Clarity Urocheck 120c Urine Analyzer

The Clarity Urocheck 120C Urine Analyzer is intended for use in conjunction with the Clarity Urinalysis Reagent Strips for the semi-quantitative detection of the following analytes in urine: Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone (Acetoacetic acid), Specific Gravity, pH, Blood, Protein, Urobilinogen, Leukocytes, as well as the qualitative detection of Nitrite. The instrument is intended for professional, in vitro diagnostic use only, can be used in general evaluation of health, and aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of metabolic or systemic diseases that affect kidney function, endocrine disorders and diseases or disorders of the urinary tract.
- CLIA Waived
- QC and Operator LOCKOUT
- Throughput of 120 tests per hours
- Provides automated readings for Clarity Brand Strips: DTG-2GP, DTG-4OB, DTG-5OB, DTG-URO7, DTG-10SG and CD-MAC25 (Microalbumin/Creatinine)
- Compatible with ALL LIS, HIS, EMR, and EHR systems
- Placement program AVAILABLE
- Auto feed mechanism for printer paper loading
- Compatible with regular thermal paper (DTG-UAPPR) or sticky thermal paper (DTG-UASPPR) for labeling patient reports with results
- Light weight and compact, ideal for point-of-care and physicians office setup
- Accurate, precise, fast and easy-to-use
- Large LCD display
- Auto calibration and self-check
- Flagging of abnormal patient results
- Internal memory capable of storing 2000 tests
- RS 232 port or USB for connectivity
- Bar-code reader (optional, DTG-UABC)
- Contents:
- Analyzer
- 4 Bottles of 10SG
- 1 Bottle of Microalbumin
About Clarity Diagnostics, LLC
Clarity Diagnostics, LLC is a leading manufacturer of point of care rapid diagnostic tests, diagnostic equipment, and over-the-counter diagnostic tests that are targeted toward the Continuum of Care, Alternate Care, Acute Care, Laboratory, and OTC markets. As the industry's value leader, Clarity Diagnostics assists healthcare facilities and medical and testing professionals by helping increase regulatory compliance; reduce operating costs by offering significant savings versus other name brands; and helping create better patient experiences through easier diagnostic testing. The Clarity line of diagnostic solutions includes the following product categories: Urinalysis, Infectious Disease, Pregnancy Testing, Cancer Markers, Drugs of Abuse, Hemoglobin, and Glucose Testing.