Blackline Safety Loner Mobile

Employees often work alone or interact with members of the public and require a simple, non-intrusive solution to monitor their ongoing safety. Turn your employees iPhone, Android or BlackBerry into a leading safety monitoring platform.
Blackline Safety's Loner Mobile lone worker safety app was designed specifically to meet the needs of employees working alone in unpredictable situations. You can easily transform your employees smartphones into reliable safety monitoring devices when theyre working outdoors, especially when they are required to focus on the road.
Loner Mobile fits into a lone workers routine and replaces productivity-draining check-in procedures. Unlike some competitive smartphone apps that only call a buddy list, Loner Mobile alerts monitoring personnel who can make a difference through an empowered, pin-point emergency response to the lone workers location.
Prior to entering a site, building or clients home, lone workers can send location-based notes to monitoring infrastructure that provide valuable context surrounding their location, activities and risk level.
A configurable check-in timer confirms the employees ongoing well-being and notifies live monitoring personnel of exceptions via safety alerting. If an emergency incident occurs, the user can trigger a Loner Mobile control to alert monitoring personnel instantly.
Safety alerts can be configured with automatic two-way calling to monitoring personnel, enabling a higher level of situational awareness. This feature also helps to make Loner Mobile compliant to British Standard 8484 for lone worker safety monitoring.
All Loner Mobile settings are configurable over-the-air, providing the control necessary from small deployments to large-scale corporate roll-outs. Loner Mobile is an ideal solution for office personnel traveling into the field, replacing traditional Journey Management processes.